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RH Kids
Redemption Hill Kids is designed to serve parents while maintaining an intentional focus on families worshiping together. It is important to us that parents are the primary people who point their children to Christ. Therefore, RH Kids comes alongside parents to help them nurture and train their children.
When children are in RH Kids, you can expect age-appropriate learning and a safe context. RH Kids begins after our time of worship, when we invite parents to take their children to class.
We offer RH Kids for ages 2-5 every Sunday.
- On the 1st and 3rd Sundays, we have RH Kids for children in grades 1-3.
- On the 2nd and 4th Sundays, we have RH Kids for children in grades 4-5.
On the 5th Sunday of the month, we have family worship. Children are never a bother but a blessing.

RH Students
Redemption Hill Students is for students in grades 6-12. When RH Students gather, they study the Word of God, fellowship, and build relationships with others. Our ministry philosophy is to come alongside parents as they nurture and train their children in the Lord. Our ministry philosophy is reflected in the fact that RH Students does not meet every Wednesday. Parents are the catalyst for raising their children and we want to support parents in that endeavor.
Weekly Meetings: On the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, youth gather while parents have the opportunity to pray for their children and fellowship (6:00 pm – 8:00 pm).
Extra Meetings: Throughout the year, RH Students continue to meet for bonfires and game nights. Some events include the entire family.
Contact Pastor Shawn if you have any questions.

Men’s Ministry
We read in the Letter to the Corinthians, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:13–14).At Redemption Hill, we see the value of men coming together to encourage, challenge, and support one another. Men gather quarterly in their pursuit to “act like men.”

Women’s Ministry
God’s design for women is lovely and beautiful. Therefore, the Women’s Ministry of Redemption Hill exists to strengthen the women of the church, glorify God in the work that he has given them to do, and provide opportunities for them to encourage and serve one another—all for the glory of God.

Fellowship Groups
Fellowship Groups at Redemption Hill Church center on three important aspects of the Christian life: We are committed to studying the Bible, praying to God, and living transparent and connected lives with one another. All of this is called Christian discipleship. In our Fellowship Groups, friendships are cultivated, and new friends are always invited to discover what makes our Fellowship Groups unique.
We have groups that meet at various times throughout the week.
Email to check out a Fellowship Group and connect with a facilitator.

There are many ways to serve at Redemption Hill! It says in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” If you desire to serve, we have an opportunity for you. You can serve on the worship team, RH Kids, audio/visual, greeting people at the front door, and much more. If you are interested in serving, please click below and fill out the following form. We will have no problem plugging you in!
Ministries We Support
Redemption Hill supports several great ministries and is always considering other great ways to serve our community. We consider it a privilege to tangibly show the love of Christ to those in need while also looking for opportunities to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to those with spiritual needs.

Together for Good
Together For Good offers tangible opportunities to do good. Through a network of care, the church comes alongside vulnerable children and isolated parents. Erica Danielson is our official ministry coordinator with Together for Good.

Covenant Mercies
Covenant Mercies exists to serve orphans in collaboration with indigenous local churches in the developing world. Members of Redemption Hill sponsor many children through this ministry.

Meadowview of Clive
Redemption Hill partners with Meadowview of Clive, an assisted living home. The goal of this partnership is to care for the spiritual needs of the Meadowview community. We do this by opening the Word of God, praying, and engaging in conversations.
Ready to take the next step?
Now that you know a bit about what to expect on Sundays, it’s time to plan your visit! Using our Plan a Visit form, you can let us know ahead of time that you’ll be here. This helps us ensure a smooth check-in process for your kids, and we’ll go ahead and set aside a gift for you as a thank you for joining us.