About Us
Since October 28, 2018, Redemption Hill has been about making Christ known throughout the Des Moines metro. From the beginning, we have shared the vision of the exhalation of Jesus Christ in our families, the church, and our community. This vision continues to be shared with more people as they join our fellowship.
Our Mission
Redemption Hill Church exists to glorify God by making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ in the Des Moines metro.
Our Core Values
Whether you’re searching for a church near you or looking for answers to life’s biggest questions, you’re welcome at Redemption Hill Church. If it serves you, click “Plan a Visit” for more details and to help you check in your child into RH Kids.
The Glory of God
The second question in our catechism is, “What is the chief end of man?” The answer is: “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.” God is glorious, and everyone made in God’s image is to glorify God. God is glorified through our daily worship and walking in obedience to Christ (John 15:10).
Biblical Preaching
At Redemption Hill, we are committed to expository preaching—meaning, we typically preach through entire books of the Bible, paragraph by paragraph, seeking to allow the Bible to instruct and transform us. As pastors, we believe the most significant thing we can do for those we are called to serve is to faithfully preach the Word of God to our church.
Redemption Hill is part of a long tradition of faithful churches rooted in ancient creeds and confessions. Along with our Confession of Faith, we affirm what the Nicene and Apostle’s Creed say about God. Being rooted in history and tradition is an essential value of Redemption Hill Church.
Redemption Hill is a community of people who strive to love each other well. Participating in community takes various forms at Redemption Hill, including our Sunday morning gathering, Fellowship Groups, serving, and ministry.
Serving Our Local Community
Redemption Hill exists in the Des Moines Metro by God’s grace and according to His will. Therefore, we are called to serve the people of the Des Moines Metro. We serve the metro by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and serving those in need.
Serving One Another
It is vital that covenant members serve one another in the church. The local church is a spiritual family that cares for one another, and comes alongside one another. Our commitment to one another is an expression of our committment to God and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Partnership
Redemption Hill Church is a member of Trinity Fellowship Churches which is structured and governed with a Presbyterian form. This partnership provides for accountability, care, fellowship, and shared mission opportunities. Our Confession of Faith is based upon the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession and guides the doctrine of all Trinity Fellowship churches. The judiciary system helps to protect our members, pastors, and churches by providing accountability and a means of appeal in cases of church discipline or doctrinal deviation.
Most importantly, we work with other Trinity Fellowship churches to spread the gospel. We do this primarily through church planting but also by coming together for training and encouragement at conferences and other events.
Our Team
Our pastors & staff love the Lord, the Word of God, and the community in and around Redemption Hill Church.

Shawn Powers
Teaching Pastor & Elder
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Shawn is the teaching pastor of Redemption Hill Church. He was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and raised in Dubuque. In his early twenties, he moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sixteen years later, Shawn sensed God’s calling to move back to Iowa to begin a church in the Des Moines metro. His education includes a Bachelor of Science from the University of Northwestern – St. Paul, a Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Master of Theology from Saint John’s University. He is an ordained elder through Trinity Fellowship Churches. He currently serves as the chair of the Theology Committee for Trinity Fellowship Churches and teaches history and theology part-time at a local Christian classical academy.
Shawn enjoys reading, working out, drinking a good cup of coffee, and watching Iowa Hawkeye football. He has been married to Charice for over 17 years, and they have two daughters, Chloe and Isabelle. Within the context of the local church, Shawn is dedicated to preaching the Word of God, discipleship, and seeing the gospel go forth, redeeming and renewing individuals so they can flourish to the glory of God.

Rob Lane
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Rob is a bi-vocational pastor who focuses on discipleship and prayer at Redemption Hill Church. Rob grew up in eastern Nevada and spent most of his early adult/married life in Boise, Idaho. He graduated from Boise State University with a degree in Music Education. He and his first wife, Sandy, served for 11 years with New Tribes (now Ethnos360) at their Bible School in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Rob currently teaches junior high and high school band at Des Moines Christian School. Rob enjoys music (playing, writing, and recording), studying worldviews, kayaking, slow-motion running (OK, it’s just walking!), and building stuff. He and Leila have been married for eleven years. Combined, they have nine children and 14 grandchildren. Rob passionately dislikes the term passionate, but he finds deep joy and satisfaction in helping people think biblically to understand who they are in Christ and all they have in Him.

Ryan Anderson
Director of Corporate Worship
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Ryan has served in a musical capacity in churches ever since he performed duets with his mother around the age of seven, and even as a teenager, he began to feel called to lead congregations in musical worship. After serving on worship teams for several years, he and his wife Shelby sensed God leading them to leave the Twin Cities and join the Redemption Hill Church plant team. Ryan enjoys analytics (his day job), sports, physics, a variety of music, and lively discussions. He and Shelby have been married for 9 years and live in Des Moines with their cat, Lovely.

Aaron & Jocelyn Reichart
Deacons of Child & Student Engagement
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Aaron and Jocelyn serve as the Deacons of Child and Student Engagement. They have been members of Redemption Hill Church since its founding in 2018. Aaron was born and raised in Winterset and is passionate about family. He enjoys hanging out outdoors and the arts. Jocelyn is passionate about serving those she loves and serving in the local church. They have two energetic boys. As deacons of Student Engagement, Aaron and Jocelyn help facilitate Christ-centered learning in Redemption Hill Kids and Aaron in Redemption Hill Students. They do this while also coming alongside parent(s) to help them disciple their children.

Rob & Erica Danielson
Deacons of Mercy
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Rob and Erica have been members of Redemption Hill Church since its founding in 2018. Rob graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Agricultural Engineering and currently works as a licensed civil engineer. Rob is passionate about knowing Jesus and making Him known to others he comes in contact with. He enjoys tinkering on old tractors and helping others with car repairs. Rob loves having his two little girls always eager to help him with home projects. Erica graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Child, Adult, and Family Services. Erica cares deeply for others, especially those who are hurting or in need, by listening, giving words of encouragement, providing a meal, or meeting specific needs. She enjoys going for a run whenever she gets the chance. As deacons of Mercy Ministry, Rob and Erica are always thinking about how to connect the church with those in need in the community.

John Wetzel
Deacon of Finance
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John serves as the deacon of finance. In conjunction with leading the Budget Team, John works with the elders to ensure the financial faithfulness in the church. John is married to his wonderful wife, Sarah. They have been members of Redemption Hill Church since its founding in 2018. John graduated from Bethel University with a degree in Chemistry and currently works as an Operations Manager at Merk in Ames. He enjoys spending time with his family and connecting with his neighbors.

Logan Kane
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Logan has been serving as an intern at Redemption Hill Church. He oversees several aspects of RH Kids, including some teaching responsibilities. He also serves the elders in various capacities. Logan has a B.A. from Spurgeon College and a Master of Divinity from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Logan and Kennedy have been married for 7 years.