Sunday Celebration (02/09/2025)
What does it mean to fulfill the great commission locally and globally? Come and find out as we look at God’s Word.

Sunday Celebration (02/02/2025)
Without a doubt, God has been exceedingly gracious to his people. And through Christ, we see the pinnacle of God’s grace.

Sunday Celebration (01/26/2025)
What does it look like to embrace the paradox to rejoice even through trials? We explore the question as we look at 1 Peter 1:6-9.

Sunday Celebration (01/19/2025)
1 Peter 1:3-5 is packed with many powerful truths for Christians. God has been so gracious in the present, but there is more to come.

Sunday Celebration (01/12/2025)
What does is mean to be compassionate to those in need? We explore the question this morning.

Sunday Celebration (01/05/2025)
What does it mean for a Christian to faithfully endure in this life with joy? 1 Peter illuminates the way.

Sunday Celebration (12/29/2024)
Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved chapters in the entire Bible. Let’s find out why.

Sunday Celebration (12/22/2024)
The Book of Psalms often times points us to Christ and Psalm 72 is no exception.

Sunday Celebration (12/15/2024)
During a time of years where there are so many needs to fuffil what the church really needs is revival and restoration because of the faithfulness of God.
Ready to take the next step?
Now that you know a bit about what to expect on Sundays, it’s time to plan your visit! Using our Plan a Visit form, you can let us know ahead of time that you’ll be here. This helps us ensure a smooth check-in process for your kids, and we’ll go ahead and set aside a gift for you as a thank you for joining us.