One of the most beloved passages in the Bible is Matthew 11:25-30. Jesus says, "Come to me" if you want to find rest. In a world of weariness, we must learn the importance of rest.
The American culture has become increasingly hostile to Christianity. However, Christians have every reason to hope because of Christ. In this sermon, listen to a specific diagnosis of culture, along with the solution from Colossians 2.
Many people (including our politicians!) claim to follow the Golden Rule. But what does Jesus mean when he teaches us about the Golden Rule. Watch or listen to find out.

All of Christ

September 4, 2022
What does it mean for a Christian to declare Jesus is "all of life?" In this sermon, we take a look at Colossians 3:1-11 to see why Christ is all, and in all.
Tychicus is not a celebrity apostle or pastor, but he is a guy coming off the bench. You may have never heard of him, but he is the reason why the Ephesian church can read Paul’s essential words. Tychicus is the reason why we still have these words. He doesn’t have a Youtube channel or Twitter account. But his friendship with Paul and faithfulness to the gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be measured with a human metric.
The primary identity claim a Christian can make is his or her identity in Christ. Any discussion about your identity begins with Christ and ends with Christ.
Come and explore the role of the Spirit in redemption from Ephesians 1:13-14. The Spirit begins to apply redemption when we hear the gospel and believe, he applies it by…
What's the response to believing all the theological truths in the Ephesians? Praise. We praise God for his grace and mercy through his amazing plan of redemption. Take a listen…