In this sermon pastor Shawn looks at Genesis 12 and explores what it means to be a local church that has been blessed by God and that is now called to be a blessing to the community. Watch or listen to learn more.
After Jesus says, "Blessed are the persecuted," he sends his followers out into the world to be "salt" and "light." Watch or listen to the latest message from Redemption Hill to learn more about what it means to be a Christian in this broken world.
Tychicus is not a celebrity apostle or pastor, but he is a guy coming off the bench. You may have never heard of him, but he is the reason why the Ephesian church can read Paul’s essential words. Tychicus is the reason why we still have these words. He doesn’t have a Youtube channel or Twitter account. But his friendship with Paul and faithfulness to the gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be measured with a human metric.