The 2nd Advent. The present reality of Jesus sitting at the right hand of Father. The Ascension of Christ. The resurrection of Christ. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ. And the perfect life of Christ could have only taken place if God chose to make himself known through the birth of Jesus Christ.

Out of Egypt

December 12, 2021
Three words from Matthew 2:15 trace the birth and early life of Jesus back to Israel's exodus from Egypt. The words "out of Egypt" also reference the spiritual exodus Jesus offers to those who believe in the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ. Take a listen to this Advent sermon to hear how the Son of God, came out of Egypt to redeem.
The star in the sky did not rise for Herod but another king. This astrological sign, along with a prophetic word from Micah, confirms the work of God in history. These signs point to a king born to reign.